Saturday 23 February 2013

My definition of love.

I guess I imagine love like being with someone that you can be completely comfortable with. A person that just thinking about them makes your stomach fill with butterflies. Someone that you care for so much that you know that you would do whatever it took for them to be with you forever. Someone that you think is so absolutely perfect, despite their flaws, that you just look at them and think “How did I get so lucky?” Someone that you could sit there and just talk about all of the crazy things that are always on your mind that you’re too afraid to say out loud, because you don’t want to get judged. When your lips touch, no matter if it’s just a peck or if it’s a long kiss, you feel like you’re being lifted off the ground. Someone that you can see yourself in the future with. Someone that even if the whole world disappeared, and it was only the two of you left, you wouldn't care because being with that one person is all you ever need.
Love is to always be able to accept their flaws, be able to sacrifice yourself, be able to do anything for them, be honest, and be able to love them infinitely. Love has no distance. It cannot be seen or touched, but it is felt

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