Saturday 27 September 2014

Back again.

Hi fellas. Here I am back from the long break. I was busy doing VCE last year till December and preparing myself for uni this year till the last two months. As the years passed, I realised how much responsibilities that I have. I'm an university student now. It's my first year in Accounting at Mulawarman University. Honestly, I have no idea how I ended up in economics as I was more into science and technology. Maybe this is just another God's plan, the good one I hope. Uni has started about a month a go. I have lots of assignments already. Starting to enjoy but also wonder, is this really what I wanna do in the future? becoming an accountant? All I want is to travel the world. Receiving scholarships and study overseas. I see that being an accountant open so much opportunities for me. Again, I questioned myself, Can I do it? 

This year has been tough. Such a drastic change for me. Moving back to Indonesia after staying 4 years in Australia wasn't easy. I have to start almost everything from zero again in which case sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes not. Having to leave after finally feels like I belong to Australian society in few years of adjustments, is just so so sad. A lot of judgemnets comes from two faces people in Indonesia who's hardly known me. They said some unfriendly comments about me, judging my looks that apparently not match to be overseas bla bla. Honestly, I got a lil bit annoyed but I am too glam to give a damn. On the other sides, I'm happy to be reunited with families and friends. I really am. It's only there is a part of me wish that I could just stay in Australia forever, starting a new beautiful life with God knows who. Well, we all something that we can't have, don't we? 

Wow so much catching up to do. I would go on and on but I'm so sleepy, really need to get some rest. I've got lecture tomorrow morning on basic science. Fresh mind is what I need. Anyways, I'm writting this at night so I'm gonna say Good night everyone! Have a nice drem~

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