Monday 9 January 2017

Things that I always say to myself

Be patient, gentle, and kind. Crying is okay, it means your heart hasn’t hardened and that you are still soft. It’s okay to be emotional, it’s okay to have bad days. it’s okay to lash out, it’s okay to be unkind sometimes. It’s all about how you make up for it. Forgive. Forgive those who wronged you. You don’t have to at first, but work to forgive and if you can’t forgive the person who hurt you, forgive yourself for being hurt. Don’t bleed for anyone who doesn’t bleed for you. Don’t settle for someone who doesn’t sacrifice themselves to see you thrive. Don’t settle for pain when you know you could have happiness. Believe in yourself. Believe in others. Good friends make good character. People are attracted to sunshine, people are attracted to a happy you. (The sad you is still beautiful, your sunshine pulls people in) and love. Love endlessly. Love even when you think you really can’t anymore because I promise, you will never run out of love.

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